Landlord: Zack Medina
Address: 6113 31st St N,Arlington, VA 22207
Price | Size |
$1540 | 660 |
1 bed,1 bath,660 sqft
No Pets
Price | Size | Layout | Pets | Lease Length |
$1540 | 660 | 1 bed,1 bath,660 sqft | No Pets | No Data |
Unit Features:
Rent Facts:
Fully furnished studio For ONE ONLY, Quiet Mature Person By Yorktown Blvd. and Sycamore St., in North Arlington 1 mile to East Falls Church Metro 1 mile to I-66 entrance By car, non-rush hour to DC -10 min. (rush hour, probably, x3) Bus line, a 2 min. walk Clean, safe neighborhood Private entrance - complete privacy Lower level of quiet single family brick rambler Wall to wall carpeting Ceilings: 8ft. and 9 ft. high Bay window views backyard w/ trees & shrubbery Bar and stools Ceiling fan Oven, stovetop & built-in microwave Desk and shelving Queen sized bed Bathroom: floor, granite tile, tub/shower surround, ceramic tile Plenty of Closet space Outdoor Webber grill Wi-Fi, utilities & county services included Easy street parking Sorry, no pets, esp., no party animals Call or text: 703.999.3000 Email: [email protected]